Make Magic Production

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Video Production Services, Video Taping & Production Services, Broadcasting & Media Production

Latitude:34.073646 Longitude:-118.375533
8489 W 3rd St
Los Angeles, CA 90048
MakeMagic Productions is a production company that is currently working on a major motion picture called "John Mack." The movie tells the compelling story of Dr. John Mack, a Harvard Psychiatry Professor and Pulitzer Prize-winning author. Dr. Mack, initially a skeptic, reluctantly agrees to work with alleged alien abductees and undergoes a life-changing transformation when he realizes they are not mentally ill but telling the truth. Despite being mocked and ridiculed by the press and colleagues, Dr. Mack stands by his conclusions and continues to champion the abductees. The movie delves into his journey and the impact it had on his personal and professional life. MakeMagic Productions is honored to be producing this thought-provoking and inspiring film. For more information about MakeMagic Productions and their projects, including "John Mack," please visit their website or contact them directly.