L A Family School

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Schools - Public & Academic, Schools Academic Preschool & Kindergarten

Latitude:34.106678 Longitude:-118.271594
2646 Griffith Park Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90039
Los Angeles Family School (LAFS) is a progressive, non-profit, parent participatory school located in Silverlake, a diverse neighborhood in Los Angeles. Established in 1972, LAFS offers a nurturing and inclusive environment for children aged two to six. The school values respect, individualization, messy play, and providing children with a wide variety of activities to choose from. The curriculum focuses on developmentally appropriate practices and promotes problem-solving, conflict resolution, and creativity. LAFS does not require children to be potty-trained upon enrollment and welcomes families from diverse backgrounds. The school features four classrooms, each equipped with colorful and inviting learning spaces, as well as outdoor play areas. Parent participation is encouraged, allowing parents to contribute and create a special community environment for the children. LAFS offers online orientation and admissions for interested families. The school does not discriminate based on race, color, or national origin, and welcomes students with special needs. For more information or to donate, visit the LAFS website.