First Evangelical Free Church

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Churches Evangelical, Churches Evangelical Free Church, Religious Services & Organizations

Latitude:34.04172 Longitude:-118.274671
1356 Albany St
Los Angeles, CA 90015
First Evangelical Free Church is a bilingual, multi-ethnic community of faith located in Los Angeles. They are committed to following Jesus and bringing hope, justice, restoration, and transformation to the inner-city. The church offers various ministries including S.A.Y. Yes!, a youth group, Nehemiah House, and Haven Academy of the Arts. They also provide daily Bible readings, sermons, and opportunities for prayer. Worship services take place at their church address in Los Angeles, with coffee and light refreshments available before and after the service. The church has a rich history, starting as the Swedish Evangelical Free Church in 1913 and later becoming the First Evangelical Free Church of Los Angeles. They offer services in multiple languages, including English, Swedish, Chinese, Spanish, French, Swahili, and Lingala. For updates and information, visitors can sign up on their website or follow them on Facebook.