Bureau Of Jewish Education Of Greater La

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Schools - Parochial & Private, Schools Religious Education

Latitude:34.064331 Longitude:-118.370036
6505 Wilshire Blvd Ste 300
Los Angeles, CA 90048
The Bureau of Jewish Education (BJE) of Greater LA is an organization dedicated to strengthening Jewish education in Los Angeles. They offer a wide range of programs and resources to support educators, students, and families. BJE provides professional development opportunities for day school education, helping teachers enhance their skills and knowledge. They also assist with accessing government and foundation funding to ensure that Jewish education remains accessible and of high quality. Additionally, BJE organizes the March of the Living program, which takes participants on a transformative journey to Poland led by renowned Holocaust educator, Dr. Michael Berenbaum. BJE also runs JKidLA, a platform that connects families to Jewish activities for children and provides personalized education consulting. Another initiative of BJE is the Center for Jewish Service Learning, which promotes meaningful service opportunities that combine hands-on action, Jewish learning, and identity building for teens. With their commitment to securing a vibrant Jewish future through education, BJE is a vital resource for the Jewish community in Greater Los Angeles.