Black And White Candle Company

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Candles Retail, Housewares & Home Decor

Latitude:34.051853 Longitude:-118.24231
123 N Los Angeles St
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Black and White Candle Company is a California-based Etsy shop that offers a wide range of handmade products designed to enhance your wellness journey. Their collection includes 11 oz candles, crystal candles, gemstone jewelry, and organic body maintenance products. Each candle is hand-poured and scented with essential oils and premium fragrance oils, providing a soothing and aromatic experience. The Crystal Candles are infused with essential oils, full moon charged gemstones, and herbs, creating a magical space for healing and abundance. Their gemstone jewelry collection features unique stones known for their spiritual and energetic healing properties. The Black and White Candle Company is dedicated to promoting spiritual living and overall well-being through their high-quality products. Whether you're looking for relaxation, meditation, or manifesting positive energy, Black and White Candle Company has something for everyone.